The Hübener Group

At age 17, Helmuth Hübener was the youngest resistance fighter executed by the Nazi government. His crime: listening to the radio and telling others what he heard.

Helmuth Hübener, age 16

In 1941 Helmuth (then 16), along with his two friends, Rudi Wobbe (age 15) and Karl-Heinz Schnibbe (age 17), began listening to radio broadcasts from the BBC London and quickly learned the truth about the war. When they realized the Nazi government had been lying to the German people, they typed up what they heard into anti-Nazi leaflets. For six months they distributed them around the city of Hamburg, slipping them into coat pockets, stuffing them in mailboxes and even posting them on official Nazi party bulletin boards.

When they were finally arrested, all three boys were brutally beaten and interrogated. After months in prison, and continued beatings, they were finally brought before the infamous “Blood Tribunal”, where they were sentenced. Through all this, they continued to stand for truth and freedom no matter the consequences.

My World My Time seeks to carry on this legacy and honor their sacrifices by continuing what the Hübener Group started: To stand for truth and freedom throughout the world.

Want to learn more about the Hübener Group? Check out these resources!  

L-R: Rudi Wobbe, Helmuth Hübener, Karl-Heinz Schnibbe

“There are more important things in life than to be entertained or have a good time. There are obligations. Would I do it all the same again? YES. I stand up for whatever is right and just and fair. Wherever there is anything of disrepute I stand my ground.” 

Rudi Wobbe, 
original Hübener Group member

“We want to be a brotherhood-united; to never part, despite danger or want. We want to be free, as our fathers were, and would rather have death than to live in slavery. We put our trust in the Almighty God, and are not afraid of the tyranny of man.”

Schiller, William Tell (often quoted by Helmuth)