Do you feel like you have to be someone or something different than you are, in order to make a difference or do anything important? Check out our new blog post for an inspiring story about how to overcome those feelings!

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Do Something!

In 1942 three teenagers in Nazi Germany decided that it wasn’t enough just to know the truth, they had to spread it. Unhappy with the Nazi government, 15-year-old Rudi Wobbe, 16-year-old Helmuth Hübener, and 17-year-old Karl-Heinz Schnibbe began secretly listening to illegal radio broadcasts from London. They typed up what they heard into anti-Nazi leaflets […]

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Changing the World-one pebble at a time

Thoughts and actions are like stones dropped in a pond, creating ripples that travel outward. The ripple effect is based on the understanding that we are all connected. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives and their reactions, in turn, affect others. In this way, the choices we make have far-reaching […]

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