
Spiritual Resistance Agent Field Manual:

How to Be a Force for Good in Enemy Territory

Are you tired of feeling helpless against the increasing wickedness in the world? Do you long to help your family stand for truth and resist the evil that surrounds you on a daily basis?


During WWII when the Nazis occupied much of Europe, many people felt the same way. In order to help, the Allies trained resistance agents to be able to fight from within occupied countries. They created a manual to help these agents learn how to recognize the tactics of the enemy, train in the use of weapons, and develop strategies for fighting the enemy while keeping themselves safe.

THE SPIRITUAL RESISTANCE AGENT FIELD MANUAL is a brand new book to help parents and their youth become a powerful force for good in a world increasingly occupied by evil. Using personal stories, as well as examples from history and the Bible, the spiritual weapons discussed in this manual will help today’s youth and families fight against the wickedness and negativity that surround them with ever-increasing ferocity, and give them the courage and faith to stand as stalwart members of Christ’s spiritual army.

Resistance Movement (stage play)

In a Germany being run by the threats and intimidations of the Nazi party, three teenagers are determined to speak out …

Helmuth Hubener, Karl-Heinz Schnibbe and Rudi Wobbe start their very own resistance group, spreading the truth about Hitler and the Nazi party in leaflets which they type up and distribute throughout Hamburg

15-year old Rudi is confident they can make a difference and will soon be heroes, but when they are arrested by the Gestapo and must face the infamous Blood Tribunal, his courage and faith are severely tested.

“Inspiring and remarkable” ~ The Dove Foundation

“Powerful and moving” ~ Deseret News

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