Podcast Episode 7: Leo Tolstoy (Moscow, 1887)

Welcome to the My World My Time podcast, where we go back in time to interview people from history about how they made a difference in the world.

The year is 1887 and we’re in Moscow to interview Leo Tolstoy, the Russian writer of War & Peace, and Anna Karenina. His novels almost single-handedly transformed the world of literature, but he was never satisfied that he had done enough. Listen to the interview to find out why, and what really drove him.

(The interview is a work of fiction, written by Kathryn Moss. Wherever possible, Leo Tolstoy’s words have been used as recorded in his books, journals, and interviews.)

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  1. Tolstoy says the best way to change the world is by changing yourself. Do you agree? What is one way you can start changing yourself today?
  2. Tolstoy says that violence is never justified. What do you think?
  3. It has been said that love is the greatest power there is. Do you agree? Why?
  4. What can you do today to show greater love for yourself and others?

***To find out more about Leo Tolstoy, check out some of our favorite resources:


DAVID D’AGOSTINI (LEO TOLSTOY) has worked as a professional actor and voice-over artist for nearly 30 years. He holds a BFA in Music, Dance Theatre from Brigham Young University, and an MFA from the University of San Diego in dramatic arts. Some of his favorite work has been playing Off-Broadway in the title role of Simon Armitage’s stage adaptation of The Odyssey, as well as providing one of the voices for the online audio recording of the scriptures for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

KATHRYN MOSS (WRITER/INTERVIEWER) is the founder of My World My Time, and an EMMY-nominated writer & director. Her feature film, Resistance Movement, and her award-winning documentary, “A Time for Resistance”, tell the incredible true story of the Hübener Group, three teens who had the courage to stand against Hitler.

In 2016 Kathryn founded the group My World My Time, to help inspire one another in the fight for a better world.

As a speaker she has been invited to speak at film festivals, churches, prisons, schools and conferences around the world, including an International Conference on Religion & Film in Italy. 

Kathryn earned a Master’s degree in Directing from the University of London, and has 1st degree black belts in both Mixed Martial Arts and Traditional Taekwondo. She lives in West Jordan, Utah with her husband and three daughters. 

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