One of the biggest obstacles to reaching our full potential is the limits we place on ourselves: For some reason we think we have to be someone or something different than we are, in order to make a difference or do anything important.
When I was researching which school I wanted to attend for my graduate training, I came across a program at the University of London, in England. It sounded like it was just what I was looking for and I couldn’t help thinking how awesome it would be to go to school in a different country. I remember one night, talking to my husband and telling him about the program. Laughing, I said, “It sure would be nice to be able to go to school in London.” My husband just looked at me and said, “Why not do it?”
I sat there for a second and couldn’t think of anything to say. I had no good answer to that. Sure, it would take a lot of work and there would many things to arrange and take care of, but as I thought about it, I realized that there was no real reason I couldn’t apply and go, except that for some reason I had subconsciously ruled it out as something too cool for me. It seemed like the kind of thing that other people do; people who are richer or more world savvy, or more confident than me. I said, “We couldn’t seriously move to London for a couple years, could we?” Again, his response was, “Why not?”
Because of my husband’s question, I realized that I had been holding myself back! I didn’t really think of it as a possibility for myself. It seemed so far out of my reach that I didn’t even seriously consider it. So, I applied for the graduate program, got accepted, and we moved to London, and had one of the most fantastic experiences of our lives. Since that time, I have been much more aware of when I may be holding myself back. I have continued to ask myself “why not?” and it has led to more growth and joy than I could have ever imagined. I will be forever grateful to my husband for asking that one simple question.
You may be saying to yourself, “But I can’t do that! I can’t make a difference or do anything big or important.” But I say to you, WHY NOT? Take the first step. This is your time to shine!

Very awesome of your husband to support you. What a great experience.