Eric Liddell: a Life of Integrity

Eric Lidell, also known as the “Flying Scotsman”, was a runner and a Christian missionary. He was a member of the 1924 British Olympic team and was highly favored to win the 100 meter race in the Paris Olympics. He was Scotland’s fastest sprinter and a national hero. All seemed poised for success. However, just a short time before the Olympics, Eric was told that the 100 meter race would be on Sunday. Eric had always believed that Sunday was a day to worship and honor God, and he did not participate in work or sports on that day. Sadly, he told the Olympic committee that he would not be participating in the 100 meter race.

The backlash and the pressure to change his mind was intense. The newspapers and people were furious, and some even called him a traitor. However, Eric stood firm and refused to run on Sunday–not even for an Olympic Gold Medal. He decided to run in the 400 meter race instead, even though his best time in that race was not great, and no one expected him to win.

The race was held on the morning of July 11, 1924 and Eric, to the surprise of everyone, ended up winning the Gold medal. Not only that, but he set new Olympic and World records!

Eric returned to the UK a hero and the newspapers and people who were so unkind to him just a short time ago where now scrambling to outdo each other in their praise of him. But Eric, only concerned with living his life in a way that would honor the principles he believed in, gave up running and dedicated the rest of his life to missionary work in China.

Eric had the courage to stand alone and live his principles, even though everyone else was against him. It would have been so easy for him to just give in and do what everyone wanted him to, but he knew that what he was doing was right and that knowledge helped him have the faith to see it through.

In the race of life that you are running, don’t give up! Continue forward with faith and courage in all you do!

Faith is unseen, but felt. Faith is strength when we feel we have none. Faith is hope when all seems lost.


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